Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday Driving

We started off the morning in historic Mt. Airy. This is the small town that served as the TV model for Mayberry, (that's where the Guy named Shoney is from, Rhiannon...)

Naturally our car was very excited, and fortunately for her we were able to get a picture of her with one of her idols, Sherriff Andy's squad car...

The rest of the day has been an idyllic Sunday drive. We stopped for a short hike at Cumberland Knob, then meandered through mountain farms to lunch at Groundhog Mountain. Here we were witness to an impromtu outdoor hymn sing, complete with banjo and guitars. We pulled over to a little shop called The Wormey Chestnut for a softdrink, then found our way eventually here to Roanoke, Virginia.

DJ, the Sunday drive is most definately not dead. Look, from up here on a clear day you can see last Tuesday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am perfectly aware that Shoney is not from Mayberry. So hah. And stuff.
